SEG President Don Steeples sent a letter to EEGS on May 12th announcing that the Board had voted to cease efforts relating to establishing a Near Surface Subsidiary.  Below is a letter EEGS President Moe Momayez sent to EEGS members informing them of the SEG Board action.  Links to other letters and articles in response to the SEG Board action can be accessed below (scroll down).  Questions or requests for more information may be sent to [email protected].

May 22, 2014

Dear EEGS Members and Colleagues,
On May 12th, SEG President Don Steeples informed me in a letter that effective immediately, SEG will cease all efforts related to establishing a Near-Surface Subsidiary. A number of pressing financial commitments were cited as the reason for this development.
While I am as stunned as the rest of you may be by this news, I do understand the reasons that led to the decision made by the SEG Board of Directors.
I would like to express my gratitude to our Task Force members for devoting countless hours over the past three years to negotiate the terms of the proposed merger with integrity. Their efforts are appreciated by all of us.

We, the EEGS Board of Directors, will continue to lead and strengthen the near-surface community. While we have made it clear that the negotiations related to the merger have now concluded, we invite SEG to work alongside us to promote technical meetings, publications, and public events related to our shared community of near-surface geophysics.

Our Society faces a number of challenges on the road ahead. We are shifting our focus to our promising future: building a stronger and more diverse membership, increasing member benefits, developing stronger intersociety collaborations, and continuing to grow.
I strongly urge you to put aside our collective disappointment at recent events and instead join me in a re-energized and unified EEGS. One easy way to do that is to renew your membership if you have not already done so.

Plans to organize a bigger and more successful SAGEEP in 2015 are well underway. We will make an announcement related to the venue and the timing of the event very soon. It is my hope that you consider attending the upcoming SAGEEP in greater numbers than ever before.

Thank you for your continued interest and support during these challenging times. The Board is interested in your opinion about the future direction of your Society and will answer any questions you may have. Please send your comments and questions to [email protected].

Moe Momayez
EEGS President

May 12 Letter to Moe Momayez, EEGS President from Don Steeples, SEG President
May 28 Letter to Members and Colleagues from Remke Van Dam, 2013-2014 Near Surface Geophysics Section (NSGS)of SEG President
May 31 Open letter to the SEG Board from SEG President-Elect Nominees John Bradford and Peter Annan
June 17 Letter to Members and Colleagues from Bill Doll, EEGS Task Force Chair/SEG-EEGS Merger Task Force

Feedback on this topic is welcomed.  Please feel free to contact EEGS via email at [email protected].

EEGS Members of the Task Force:


Bill Doll
Mark Dunscomb
Doug Laymon
John Nicholl
Catherine Skokan
Bruce Smith
John Stowell
Moe Momayez