Registering at EEGS' Web SiteMembership is not required to view EEGS' web site; however, to use interactive order or registration forms, you will need to register (click "new user," provide your email address and create a password).  If you would like staff assistance to be added to the web site database, contact the EEGS business office via email [email protected].  

You can view the EEGS Web Site in Your Preferred Language: 
If you'd like to view our web site in a language other than English, use the drop down tool located on the right side of this page just under the "Upcoming Events" listing.  

Ensuring Your Receipt of Important EEGS Email Notifications and Member Communications
"Safelisting" (or whitelisting) EEGS is an important step to ensure you're receiving all the important communications from EEGS.  To learn more about how to make sure you're receiving all EEGS emails and notices, click here.

SAGEEP 2024 Technical Program Proceedings Now Available

New Resource Opportunities!  EEGS announces the addition of new resources for members and visitors to the EEGS website

  • New Student Resource - EEGS has added a new resource opportunity for undergraduate students: CUR!  
    Check out the latest in EEGS' focus on supporting our student members.  In addition to the upcoming SAGEEP 2024 with its numerous student-focused activities, check out another resource:  Access to the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR). 

  • EEGS:  An American Geosciences Institute (AGI) Member Society
    We will be featuring links to relevant resources and announcements on this News & Recent Events page, your one-stop source of news and happenings in the geosciences community. 

  • American Geosciences Institute, in partnership with the AAPG Foundation and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, is offering EEGS FREE access to the Geologize online course “Practical Geocommunication.”  Click here for details and how to access!

  • Mentoring365
    This free-to-use platform connects mentors and mentees from around the world at any career stage.  EEGS has joined other geophysics organizations to advance the Earth and Space Science (ESS) community by connecting participants through one-to-one and group connections. Ready to get started?  Click here.


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Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics

Latest Issues
 of JEEG
September, 2024 Vol. 28.3
December, 2024 Vol. 28.4

Publications: Current and Past Issues



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