Advertising Information
Published quarterly in print and electronically, the Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics reaches thousands of highly specialized companies and individuals worldwide in the geophysical industry, especially as it applies to engineering and environmental problems. JEEG provides a forum for the dissemination of works by many distinguished researchers and practitioners in near-surface geophysics.
Digital; Online PDF; Two-column, two color (4 color advertisements)
March, June, September, December
Ad Deadlines:
Ad orders and artwork are due the first day of the month, prior to month of publication. Ad orders and artwork should be submitted electronically (online) via the email [email protected] or sent to the EEGS office: 1391 Speer Blvd., Ste. 450; Denver, CO 80204.
Camera-ready artwork is preferred. Electronic ad submissions: .eps, .tiff, or Adobe InDesign (CS) with a resolution of 300 dpi or better (please supply hard copy proof to ensure accuracy) or PDF file with fonts and graphics embedded) are also acceptable with a resolution of 300 dpi or better. Supply digital copy by e-mail or FTP transfer (for additional information, ontact [email protected]).
Payment Policy: |
For your convenience, we accept Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and Discover. An invoice will be sent following publication with an electronic tear sheet of the electronic ad page. |
JEEG Advertising Rates: JEEG Printable 2025 Advertising Rate Sheet & Ad Placement Order Form 