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SAGEEP 2017 Abstracts & SessionsNotices of Abstract Acceptance/Rejection IssuedSAGEEP Technical Chair Elliot Grunewald and the Technical Planning Committee have completed notifying authors of abstract acceptances or rejections for oral and poster presentations. If you have not received your notification, please contact Elliot Grunewald at [email protected]. Additional information regarding presenters session, day, time and room name will be sent soon. Return to this page for poster display instructions. New this SAGEEP!SAGEEP 2017 is celebrating an important milestone: SAGEEP’s 30th anniversary! Also, EEGS is pleased to be co-locating SAGEEP with the National Ground Water Association’s (NGWA) Hydrogeophysics and Deep Groundwater Conference March 20 & 21 at the Denver Marriott City Center in downtown Denver, Colorado, USA.This will be a very exciting SAGEEP bringing together a diverse audience from a wide range of backgrounds, including both EEGS and NGWA membership. All technical sessions will be open to both groups, giving additional exposure to those who deliver oral or poster presentations. In addition to the SAGEEP technical program, the NGWA conference will feature talks and posters with a focus on two topic tracks: Applications of Hydrogeophysics to Groundwater Characterization & Monitoring and Management and Deep Groundwater Applications. Abstract Submission DeadlinesTechnical Chair Elliot Grunewald and the Technical Committee members are no longer accepting abstracts. SAGEEP 2017 Special Sessions and Session Topics (yellow highlighted)/SubtopicsBefore you access the online submission site, please review the below Special Sessions and the session topics/subtopics. You will be asked to select a topic in which your presentation would best fit. You will have the option to choose "other" if your abstract does not fit into one of these topics. Please contact the technical chair if you are interested in serving as a session chair. "Applying Geophysics to Solve Humanitarian Problems – Cosponsored by SEG Geoscientists Without Borders®” (Subtopic: Society|Humanitarian) – Chair Michael Kalinski Terms of SubmissionThe following are the terms of submission for your abstract or extended abstract for oral or poster presentation at SAGEEP 2017:
SAGEEP 2017 Online Abstract Submission site: https://www.xcdsystem.com/sageep Notes: