Exhibiting and Sponsorship Opportunities
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Exhibitor Prospectus & Sponsorship Opportunities
The SAGEEP 2018 Exhibitor Prospectus lists remaining sponsoring opportunities. Please contact the Exhibits Manager (contact information below) with details and questions.
Ms. Micki Allen, Exhibits Manager Marac Enterprises 146 Sparks Avenue Toronto, Ontario, M2H 2S4 Canada Tel: 1.905.474.9118 Fax: 1.905.474.1968 Email: [email protected] Website: www.marac.com
Exhibitors Directory (as of 2.22.18)
(Scroll for Nashville Airport Marriott Exhibit Hall Floor Plan)
Aarhus GeoSoftware Inge Lehmanns Gade10, 05.30 Aarhus C 8000 Denmark Phone: +45 61656570 Email: [email protected] Website: www.aarhusgeosoftware.dk Booth #: 22
Aarhus GeoSoftware is a leading provider of software for processing and inversion of electromagnetic- and electrical data. We have a common platform where data handling is integrated from raw data to processing, inversion, QC of inversion results and visualization of inversion models.
Advanced Geosciences, Inc. 2121 Geoscience Dr. Austin, TX 78726 USA Phone: (512) 335-3338 Email: [email protected] Website: www.agiusa.com Booth #: 35
Advanced Geosciences, manufacturer of the SuperSting Resistivity/IP/SP imaging system and EarthImager software. Real-time data QC and instrument programming with remote control by App. Guided navigation App with survey planner and GPS processing for towed marine and land deployment (CRP). Projects typically focused on geotechnical, groundwater, mineral, environmental and similar industries.
Andes Earth Imaging, LLC 395 NW 109 Ave., Unit 201 Miami, FL 33172 USA Phone: (888) 613-2784 Email: [email protected] Website: www.andesimaging.com Booth #: 21
Andes Earth Imaging sells ready-for-deployment systems for DC resistivity and seismic refraction surveying. Our devices have been developed by a superb team of engineers, mathematicians and geophysicists. We strive to make the world's user-friendliest geophysical equipment. Andes Earth Imaging LLC is a subsidiary of Subsuelo3D SAS from Colombia.
DMT GmbH & Co. KG Industry Engineering Division Am Technologiepark 1 45307 Essen Germany Email: products@dmt- group.com Website: www.dmt-group.com Booth #: 24
DMT GmbH & Co. KG: Provider of seismic data acquisition and seismic monitoring systems. SUMMIT X One combines an extremely flexible field layout with excellent data quality and easy handling of the lightweight units in the field. - For further information please refer to www.summit-system.de.
European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE) De Molen 42 Houten 3994 DB The Netherlands Phone: +31 88 995 5055 Email: [email protected] Website: www.eage.org Booth #: 32
EAGE is a professional association for geoscientists and engineers. It is an organization with a worldwide membership, providing a global network of commercial and academic professionals and students. With more than 19,000 members from over 100 countries, the association is truly multi-disciplinary and international in form and pursuits. EAGE operates two divisions: the Oil & Gas Geoscience Division and the Near Surface Geoscience Division.
Environmental Equipment & Supply
Exploration Instruments LLC
GEM Systems Advanced Magnetometers 135 Spy Court Markham, ON L3R 5H6 Canada Phone: 905.752.2202 Email: [email protected] Website: www.gemsystems.ca Booth: 39
GEM Systems is a manufacturer of advanced magnetometers, gradiometers and magnetic sensors for Earth Science, Geophysics and other applications. With 35+ years in R&D, our technology and leadership is your key to success in applications such as airborne / UAV mapping, mineral exploration, archaeology, earthquake prediction, volcanology, UXO and others.
Geodevice, LLC
Geogiga Technology Corp. Suite 1030, 396 - 11 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2R 0C5 Canada Phone: 403-451-4886 Email: [email protected] Website: www.geogiga.com Booth #: 27
As a leading worldwide software provider, Geogiga is dedicated to producing simple and powerful software packages for Reflection, Refraction, Surface Waves and Borehole Seismic in near-surface geophysics. At SAGEEP 2018, we will highlight the latest release of Geogiga Seismic Pro.
Geometrics 2190 Fortune Dr. San Jose, CA 95131 USA Phone: 408-954-0522 Fax: 408-954-0902 Email: [email protected] Website: www.geometrics.com Booth #: 14
Geometrics manufactures, sells, rents, and services magnetometers, seismographs, and electrical conductivity and resistivity systems for land, marine, and air investigations of the subsurface.
Geonics Limited
Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. (GSSI) 40 Simon Street Nashua, NH, 03060 USA Phone: 603-681-2025 Fax: 603-386-6231 Email: [email protected] Website: www.geophysical.com Booth #: 9
GSSI is the world leader in the development, manufacture, and sale of GPR equipment. Our cutting edge products are used all over the world to explore the subsurface of the earth. GSSI created the first commercial GPR system 45 years ago and continues to provide the widest range and highest quality systems available today.
GeoScene3D Team @ I•GIS Voldbjergvej 14A, 1st Floor Risskov KD-8240 Denmark Phone: 45 31 70 40 17 Email: [email protected] Website: www.geoscene3d.com Booth #: 12
I•GIS is a specialized geoscience and GIS software and service provider since 2002. Our main product suit is a geodata management system consisting of the modeling software GeoScene3D for geological models and GeoCloud for distributing these together with GIS and geoscience data using cloud-based services.
Geosoft Inc.
GF Instruments Purkynova 144 Brno 61200 Czech Republic Phone: 420 549 522919 Email: [email protected] Website: www.gfinstruments.cz Booth #: 23
GF Instruments develops, manufactures, sells and rents geophysical instruments of these main groups:
- systems for 2D/3D/4D resistivity and IP tomography (ARES, ARES II) and for deep VES (GEPS-2000)
- electromagnetic conductivity meters CMD for single- or multi-depth surveys from 0.25 to 60 m
- gamma-ray spectrometers for walking, car-borne and borehole surveys (new model Gamma Surveyor Vario)
- magnetic susceptibility meters for single- or multi-depth field surveys (Multi Kappa, Multi Kappa 3L)
Sale and rental offers are supported with online consulting and immediate instrument service.
Guideline Geo (DBA Mala Geoscience USA, Inc.) 465 Deanna Lane Charleston, SC 29492 Phone: (843) 852-5021 (office) Fax: (843) 284-0684 Email: Sales.[email protected] Website: www.americas.guidelinegeo.com Booth #: 30
Through our world leading brands of geophysical equipment, ABEM and MALÅ, we offer best-in-class integrated end-to-end solutions to challenges worldwide. With a truly global footprint we draw on extensive experience since 1923 of innovative, field-tested and trusted solutions including: TEM, GPR, Resistivity, and Seismics.
Hager Geoscience
IDS GeoRadar
IRIS Instruments
Mount Sopris Instrument Co., Inc. 4975 E. 41st Ave. Denver, CO 80216 USA Phone: 303.279.3211 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mountsopris.com Booth #: 25
Mount Sopris has exciting news for SAGEEP 2018 as we release two innovative products. Visit our booth to learn more about the new QL40-SIP (Spectral Induced Polarization) and QL40-nGEN (Neutron Generator), and the amazing 19GR – Nano Gamma tool, the smallest high resolution natural gamma logging sonde in the world!
NAOC (National Association of Ordnance Contractors) P.O. Box 7325 Charlottesville, VA 22906 USA Email: [email protected] Website: www.naoc.org Booth #: 18
The National Association of Ordnance Contractors (NAOC) is the industry trade association representing businesses performing military munitions response services. Established in 1995 as a non-profit organization, NAOC's objective is to act as a unified voice representing the issues facing our industry. Our membership includes companies that provide UXO services, geophysical services, detection equipment, analytical laboratories, regulatory support and related environmental/engineering services.
Northwest Geophysics LLC
Pro-Seismic, LLC
Robertson Geologging (USA) Inc.
R.T. Clark Co. Inc. Booth # 36 P.O. Box 20957 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73156 USA Phone: 405-751-9696 Fax: 405-751-6711 Email: [email protected] Website: www.rtclark.com
Serving the Geophysical/Geotechnical industry for OVER 30 YEARS. Sales/Brokerage of NEW and USED/2nd Hand Equipment. Providing Seismographs, Geophones, Cables, Ground Penetrating Radar, Magnetometers, Gravity Meters, EM, IP, Resistivity Meters and MORE. Manufacturer of LAND ENERGY SOURCES – PEG-40 Propelled Energy Generator, Ballard Borehole Source. Distributor of Single Geophones, Connectors, Hydrophones, Cables and More.
Sensors & Software
1040 Stacey Court Mississauga Ontario L4W 2X8 Canada Phone: 800-267-6013 Email: [email protected] Webite: www.sensoft.ca Booth #: 7
Sensors & Software manufactures ground penetrating radar (GPR) products. Understanding what lies beneath the surface of materials like soil, pavement and concrete helps solve many problems. Our years of experience, world-leading products and responsive service enable delivery of effective solutions.
Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
Terraplus Inc. 52 West Beaver Creek Road, Unit #12 Richmond Hill Ontario L4B1L9 Canada Phone: 905-764-5505 Fax: 905-764-8093 Email: [email protected] Website: www.terraplus.ca Booth #: 3
Terraplus provides rental and sales for a wide range of geophysical instruments and software, including Magnetometers (UAV & Ground Potassium, Overhauser, Proton), VLF, 2D/3D Resistivity/IP Systems, Magnetic Susceptibility and Conductivity Meters for soil investigations, Borehole Systems including Televiewers, Radiometries, GPR, EM Systems, Seismographs, and more. For more information, visit: www.terraplus.ca.
Vista Clara
Zonge International, Inc.
Floor Plan
For a printable/downloadable Exhibit Hall floor plan, click: Nashville Airport Marriott Exhibit Hall Floor Plan 
