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Current Issue December, 2023 Vol. 28.4

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Editors’ Foreword                                     Afshin Aghayan
                                                          Aleksandra Varnavina

We are pleased to introduce the fourth issue of the Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (JEEG) for 2023. This issue comprises five papers that bring new insights into environmental and engineering geophysics.

The first paper, authored by Bievre and Garambois, successfully combined remote sensing and ground geophysical techniques to locate an abandoned and forgotten landfill in a fluvial plain in the French Western Alps. Historical aerial photographs, a LiDAR DEM, and geophysical mapping techniques revealed the landfill’s location and spatial extent, while ground-penetrating radar and electrical resistivity tomography provided a quantitative assessment of pit dimensions, enabling waste volume estimation (Bievre and Garambois, 2023). This paper is similar to the JEEG Special Issue on the Application of Proximal and Remote Sensing Technologies to Soil Investigations, edited by Allred et al. (2022). We are excited to include this paper in this issue and believe it will greatly interest our readers. We encourage our esteemed readers to check out the special issue papers as well (Deo et al., 2022; Nishioka et al., 2023; Oikawa et al., 2022; Samad et al., 2022; Singh et al., 2022; Smith et al., 2022; Zhao et al., 2022).

The second paper, authored by Wang et al., reports on the development of a drying device to conduct direct shear tests on soil rock mixture (S-RM) under dry-wet cycling. The study investigates the effect of dry-wet cycling on the mechanical properties of S-RM. It analyzes the pore characteristics of S-RM under dry-wet cycles using Image J software. This paper offers new insights into the mechanical behavior of soil rock mixtures, and we believe that it will be a valuable contribution to the field of geophysics (Wang et al., 2023).

The next paper, authored by Hu et al., provides a distinct shipwreck site- a partially buried ship- wreck site, an intermediary stage between sites that are entirely submerged and those that are predominantly exposed. The study shares a new insight to rethink the design of underwater cultural relic surveys in potential areas, and it is very important and constructive for underwater cultural relics investigation (Hu et al., 2023).

Widodo is the author of the next paper on this issue. He successfully employed Direct Current (DC) geoelectrical and electromagnetic (EM) methods in Parampong, Lembang, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, to assess water distribution in agricultural lands by measuring soil resistivity and conductivity. These methods, ideal for precision farming preliminary surveys, enable evaluating subsurface properties with an environmentally friendly approach, emphasizing their relevance in green and sustainable agricultural practices (Widodo, 2023).

We would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of Mostafa Ebrahimi, who served as the best reviewer for JEEG vol. 28, issue 4. We extend our sincerest gratitude to him for his contributions to the journal.

We hope that you will find these papers informative and inspiring. Once again, we thank all the authors, reviewers, and readers for their continued support of JEEG.

Gregory Bievre and Stephane Garambois
Characterization of a Small Abandoned Municipal Solid Waste Scattered Landfill Combining Remote Sensing and Near-Surface Geophysical Investigations

Siwei Wang, Guinan Wang and Shuyi Li
Shear Properties and Pore Characteristics of Soil-Rock Mixtures Under Dry-Wet Cycling

Yi Hu, Jianxiang Ding, Boran Liu, Huangyi Ji, Yaqi Zhang, Liming Wang and Xudong Fang
A Partially Buried Shipwreck Site: Implication from the Laoniu Reef Shipwreck No. 2

Widodo Widodo
DC Resistivity and Electromagnetic Induction Techniques for Soil Characterization in the Agriculture Land (Case Study in Cidadap, West Bandung, West Java)

Author Biographies

