SAGEEP 2016 Registration Information
Pre-registration is Closed. On site registration opens 7:00 a.m. Sunday, March 20 at the host hotel, Denver Marriott City Center, downtown Denver, Colorado.
Click on the link below to download and complete a special combined Membership/SAGEEP registration form. Bring the form to the SAGEEP 2016 Registration area beginning Sunday, March 20. Individual Membership/SAGEEP Registration Form  Corporate Membership/SAGEEP Registration Form 
SAGEEP 2016 Schedule of Events
The Schedule at a Glance provides an overview of the conference schedule. Please consult this schedule, the Luncheons, Events and Tour descriptions, and the Short Courses/Workshop options before completing a printed Registration Form and bringing it to the registration desk at SAGEEP.
Pre-registration has ended. On site registration will open Sunday, March 20, 2016 in Denver, Colorado USA at 7:00 a.m.
Printable Registration Form  Special Exhibitor Registration Form  Attention Students: Special Registration Form for Students Who Qualify for Waived Registration Fees Online Registration - Your registration page is based on your login credentials. If you are presented with a rate different from one you are expecting, it may be due to your membership status: if members did not renew by January 31, 2016, membership is "lapsed" and former members will have to (essentially) join EEGS to reinstate.
Important Information About Registering Online:
Multiple Submissions: You may only take the form once using your log in. If you wish to add events or change your registration, please contact the EEGS offices ([email protected]) or call (303) 531-7517. If you wish to register several individuals, please log in using each registrant's username and password to ensure that the registration (badge, tickets, etc.) reflects the appropriate name, company and address. Be sure to log out between registrations. If you have any questions about registering someone other than yourself, please contact the EEGS office before using the online registration system.If, after submitting your form, you wish to add activities or events, or, if you need to cancel any selections, please contact the EEGS office at [email protected]. Please DO NOT select any "office use only" options.
Payment Information: You will be asked to pay by credit card, cash or check. Checks from Canadian bank accounts must be drawn on banks with US affiliations (example: checks from Canadian Credit Suisse banks are payable through Credit Suisse New York, USA). If you are unsure, please contact your bank.
Short Course Only: If you are registering for a Short Course/Workshop ONLY (no admittance to technical sessions except for SC-4 which includes Monday's technical sessions in addition to the short course SC-1), please select the "Short Course Only" option and then your specific short course/workshop title on the form. If you are a Short Course instructor/presenter, please use the special printed form being provided to you via email and mail or fax using the form's instructions.
Special Circumstances Requiring Printed Forms/Student Registration: Students who are attending SAGEEP and have had their registration fees waived will need to complete a printed form and bring to the registration desk at the Denver Marriott City Center hotel in Denver, Colorado. Click here for the Student Registration form. EEGS Student Members: Please be sure to list your qualifying Student Chapter representatives or your faculty's name (must be registered to attend SAGEEP).
Basic Conference Rates are (Join EEGS and Save!):
SAGEEP Conference Rates Conference rate includes: ice breaker, keynote address, oral and poster presentations, exhibits, conference program book and access to the SAGEEP 2016 Proceedings.
Member: Non-member: |
On- Site
$625 $725
SAGEEP Conference Student Rate (Must be able to demonstrate that you are currently enrolled in an accredited science or engineering under-graduate or graduate program or have graduated in the past year.)
Member: Non-member: |
$190 $240 |
Monday Only March 21, 2016 Monday Only conference includes: keynote address, oral and poster presentations, exhibits, and conference program book.
Member: Non-member:
$375 $475
Exhibitor Rates
Exhibiting companies receive one (1) full conference registration and two (2) complimentary exhibit personnel registrations for every 10x10 booth space. Additional exhibit personnel badge may be purchased for $50.00. All fees include 2016 proceedings, printed program and admission to food and beverage events in the exhibit hall.
Comp Full Conference (Limit 1 per 10x10 booth)
Comp Exhibit Personnel (Limit 2 per 10x10 booth)
Additional Exhibitor Personnel