News and Recent Events 


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Student Awarded at SAGEEP 2024's Special IP Session
To celebrate Tucson's legacy on Induced Polarization (IP) at the recently held SAGEEP 2024, we organized a special session on IP and offered an award for the best IP presentation by a student or early career professional. The awardee received a presentation invitation and free registration by the orrganizers of the 7th International Workshop on Induced Polarization.  A $1500 travel grant was also awarded by sponsor Ontash & Ermac.  The winner of the award was Nuray Oncul for her presentation "Non-linear Spectral Induced Polarization effects in Porous Media Containing Electron Conducting Minerals."  Nuray is a PhD candidate at Rutgers University, research focused on the use of SIP for mineral exploration.

Your Membership Benefit - Free Geoscience Communication Training 

We are delighted to inform you that the American Geosciences Institute, in partnership with the AAPG Foundation and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, is offering AGI Member Societies FREE access to the Geologize online course “Practical Geocommunication.” As a member of our society, you can take advantage of this free offer immediately.

The course, valued at $400 per person, provides an excellent opportunity for geoscientists to become more effective and powerful public ambassadors for our field, something that is urgently needed. Given the challenges facing both our field and society more broadly, it has perhaps never been more vital to effectively communicate geoscience to the public and other stakeholders. 

1. Go to the AGI society landing page here.
2. Click on the 'AGI Access' button.
3. Register for the course (Free).
4. Click on the link 'Have a coupon?'
5. Enter the code 'eegs-agi-pggz-2324' to remove the price.
6. Start learning!
Please note that the number of uses for this coupon is limited to our membership, so do not share this code with anyone outside our organization. 

During the course, you will have access to lessons, quizzes, assignments, and direct interaction with the course instructor, Dr. Haydon Mort, through forums. The training counts as nine hours of Continuing Professional Development, and a certificate is provided upon completion. In addition to becoming a more powerful voice for geoscience, you can gain a valuable professional credential.

The free offer is available for one year, so you are encouraged to take advantage soon!

EEGS is Now an American Geosciences Institute (AGI) Member Society

We will provide links to relevant resources and announcements on this page.  Return often to take advantage of this one-stop source of news and happenings in the geosciences community.   

Let Your Voice be Heard!  As part of the American Geosciences Institute’s GRANDE study, you are invited to participate in an anonymous fast-reaction survey about your expectations of the impact of climate change on your career and the role of the geosciences in society.  To participate in the survey, please visit  For additional details about the GRANDE project and its broader impact, feel free to visit our project website at  Posted 2.22.24

Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)

Another resource EEGS is bringing to members and others who access our web site is membership in the Council on Undergraduate Research.  As part of EEGS' emphasis on student member development, we have joined CUR to be that resource for undergraduate students who may benefit from CUR initiatives, scholarship opportunities and specifically, from our access to the Geosciences Division  This division of CUR "provides networking opportunities, activities, and resources to assist administrators, faculty members, students, practitioners, mentors, and others in advancing undergraduate research."  We will provide links to pertinent and relevant articles, newsletters, etc. so be sure to return often.

Student Resources

If you haven't visited Geophysics Careers lately, check out the newest listings! 

Have You Seen the New FastTIMES?  EEGS Announces a Dedicated Website and New Features

FastTIMES Editor German Ojeda recently announced the launching of a brand-new, dedicated website for!  Here are a few highlights:

  • Search tool: Visitors can search across all uploaded articles by keyword
  • Multilingual option: Readers can now choose among over 30 languages to read uploaded FastTIMES papers by using the built-in language translator
  • Video interviews: Watch up-close and personal interviews with senior geophysicists
  • Responsive design for ease of access from laptops, tablets and smartphones
  • As a tribute to SAGEEP 2021 and the 1st Munitions Response Meeting, we have started uploading papers from Vol 26 Number 1 "UXO Geophysics."

Log in and check it out today!