SAGEEP 2017 Luncheons, Conference Events and Tour
EEGS Foundation Silent Auction
Once again, the Foundation will hold a Silent Auction at this year’s SAGEEP. Foundation leadership is seeking donors of items that can be sold to the highest bidder at the auction. All proceeds will benefit the EEGS Foundation. Contributions can include gift cards, works of art, professional services, electronics gadgets (e.g. iPhones, iPads, Kindles, GPS units, etc.) or other like items or services. Or, suggest something you have in mind - contact the Silent Auction Committee Chairman Douglas Laymon ([email protected]). Gifts can be made by individuals or organizations (talk to your employer!). The items can be mailed in advance to the EEGS Business Office (c/o Jackie Jacoby) or brought to the SAGEEP registration desk at the beginning of the conference. Details on contributing items and tax benefits can be found via this link: http://www.eegsfoundation.org/#!page4/cfvg.
You can also participate in the auction by purchasing one of these items, so come prepared with a check or credit card! Everything will be on display throughout the conference and winners will be announced in the Exhibit Area on Wednesday at the mid-morning break. Once the item is purchased, you can take it with you or have it shipped (postage will be at additional expense to the purchaser). Please contact Doug Laymon, Silent Auction Committee Chair if you would like any additional information on the auction. Consider participating in this EEGS Foundation fund raiser! http://www.eegsfoundation.org/.
Geoscientists Without Borders® (GWB) Luncheon - Monday
12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
John H. Bradford, Ph.D. and Michael E. Kalinski, Ph.D., P.E. from the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) will speak at the luncheon. The coastal city of Cotonou in the developing country of Bénin, West Africa, is a large population center that is facing a serious threat to the sustainability of its fresh water supply. Dr. Bradford will speak about the two-year geophysical investigation seismic study that provided valuable information improving the understanding of the system and management of the |
groundwater resource in Cotonou. Haiti is one of the most impoverished nations in the world and is highly susceptible to earthquakes. Dr. Kalinski will present his talk "Use of Surface Wave Testing to Predict Seismic Site Response in Haiti" and provide an update on the project and efforts to enhance the self-sufficiency of Haiti with respect to seismic design, intended to ultimately result in reduced loss of life during future earthquakes. (Proceeds support the GWB program.) |
Lunchtime Workshop: Writing for Scientific Journals - Tuesday
11:50 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
The Editor of the Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (JEEG), Dale Rucker, is inviting you to a writer's workshop to learn the ins and outs of publishing a scientific article. Have you ever wondered what happens once you submit your article or why it takes so long to get in print? Are you unsure about how to write an article, how it should be organized, or where to start? Do you wonder why publishing matters or who it benefits? Then this workshop is for you! The workshop will hopefully dispel the mystic behind the publication process and inspire you to start your next great contribution to science. (No charge for workshop.) Bring your own lunch or pre-order a boxed lunch (choose from beef, chicken or veggie on the online or printed registration form) which will be available prior to start time.
EEGS Luncheon - Wednesday
12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
The Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS) will hold its Annual Meeting at the EEGS luncheon. Our featured speaker is Dr. Ken Lawrie, who will deliver his talk "Groundwater Science - Innovation and Transformation." Our ability to explore, assess, monitor, and manage groundwater resources is being transformed by a range of new technologies including satellite, airborne and ground sensors, and supercomputing research infrastructure. These are complemented by novel mathematical and statistical approaches that are critical for data processing, fusion, analysis and modelling of ‘big data’. These advances are producing step-changes in science work flows, while enabling significant science innovation through inter-and trans-disciplinary methods. The scale and pace of innovation is transforming work forces and business opportunities, enabling us to dramatically improve our ability to understand and manage complex hydrological and broader Earth systems. This talk will highlight some of the advances being made and applied in Geoscience Australia’s ‘Exploring for the Future’ Initiative.
Conference Activities
Exhibitors Outdoor Equipment Demonstrations - Tuesday Afternoon
SAGEEP attendees are invited to gather at Denver’s Benedict Fountain Park, to view first-hand the latest in equipment and services offered by participating exhibitors. The triangular park is bordered by Tremont Place, 22nd St. and 20th Avenue and is located near uptown Denver - within walking distance from the conference host hotel. In addition to the signature fountain, this unique urban park also features bench seating, ample grassy areas and one of the prettiest views of the Denver downtown skyline in the city.
Student Event / Drone Demo - Sunday Evening
Following the Ice Breaker, students and non-students are invited to an evening of education and refreshment. Members of academia, government, industry service and industry equipment-vendors will lead a panel discussion. Also, participants will hear a 20-minute overview presentation on the use of drones by Metropolitan State University of Denver UAS student club as well as a demo by their expert pilots. Then, anyone wishing to experiment with flying smaller drones will have that opportunity in the flying cage set up for that purpose. To view a sneak preview of the drone demonstration, click here (video). Beer and pizza served.
Thanks to our Student Event Sponsor: