GeOpen House @ SAGEEP Tuesday, March 22nd, 1:30-6:30pm
Register for GeOpen House @ SAGEEP ($125 USD) on site at SAGEEP 2022 Registration Desk/Conference Hotel
The GeOpen House is a special opportunity for the Denver and surrounding geo-community to learn about geophysics, share perspectives, and network across the aisle. Special panels and sessions will explore how geophysics can contribute to environmental and engineering challenges facing society now and in the future. An evening networking reception will provide a fun and inclusive forum for anyone interested in geoscience and engineering, from students to senior professionals.
GeOpen House registration is a fraction of standard day rates and includes all the highlights below. Register now for the GeOpen House and don’t forget to check out opportunities to register for short courses, including 3D-GeoModeling, Ground Penetrating Radar, and MASW.
GeOpen House Highlights
- Drones and Shallow Subsurface Characterization: Four industry experts discuss the use of unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs, applications, challenges, current practice, and opportunities for future development.
- Engineering Sustainability and Climate Change: Experts from government agencies, research institutes, and the private sector discuss impacts of climate change on infrastructure and communities and engineering challenges for sustainability.
- Technical Session
- Groundwater Management and Geophysics as municipalities improve groundwater resource management (co-sponsored by Colorado Groundwater Association)
- Combining Drones/UAV’s and Geophysics for applications ranging from agricultural soil mapping to detecting landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO).
- Geoprofessional Networking Evening
- Join other conference attendees for hors d’oeuvres, drinks, and networking. With an easy to use mobile app, you will be automatically matched to other attendees with complementary interests from jobs, to mentorship, professional experience, and more
Panel Session: Drones and Shallow Subsurface Characterization Tuesday, March 22nd, 1:30-2:30pm
Co-Moderator: Bill Barkhouse (Drone Geoscience) – Introduction Description of topics & introduction of the panelists \ bios.
Panelist 1: Jack Elston (Black Swift Technologies)
Unmanned Systems: An overview of current drone technologies for collecting geoscientific data with specific focus on geophysical measurements applied to characterizing the near surface.
Panelist 2: Richard A. Krahenbul (Colorado School of Mines Department of Geophysics) Sensors: A review of the current state of the art of sensor technology for geophysical characterization of subsurface.
Panelist 3: Ron Bell (Drone Geoscience) Data: Issues and challenges using geophysical data collected via a drone including data management and the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Panelist 4: Vic Moss (Drone Service Provider Alliance DSPA)
Regulations: Recent and expected changes in FAA regulations governing the operation of small UAS with insights into the changes allowing beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) flight operations.
Moderator: Tim Rathmann (Drone Geoscience) -- Review and Q&A A brief review of the key points and information provided by the panelists followed by a Q&A session where the audience is encouraged to ask questions of the panel.
Panel Session: Sustainable Engineering and Climate Change Tuesday, March 22nd, 2:50-4:30pm
Moderator: Jeffrey Paine (Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas) – Introduction Panelist 1: Paul Chinowsky (University of Colorado, Director of Environmental Design Program ) Impacts of climate change across US infrastructure – the challenge for engineers to redesign and reinforce critical infrastructure for reliable operation under new environmental conditions. Panelist 2: Kari Meier (US Army Corps of Engineers, DoD Climate Action Team) The Department of Defense outlook on climate change risks, the engineering response, and pathways forward Panelist 3: Paul Bauman (BGC Engineering, Principal Geophysicist) Climate change impacts across the developing world and remote communities – how geophysics can contribute to humanitarian response and engineering challenges. Panelist 4: Outlook on opportunities and challenges for geothermal to contribute to the future of clean energy solutions and emissions reduction. Moderator: Discussion and Q&A
Evening Geoprofessional Networking Event Tuesday, March 22nd 5:00 – 6:30pm
Come make new connections and new friends! Join delegates, exhibitors, and attendees of the GeOpen House for hors d’oeuvres, drinks, and conversation at the Conference Evening Networking Event. With an easy to use mobile app, you will be automatically matched to others attendees with complementary interests from jobs, to mentorship, professional experience, and more. Go to and complete your brief networking profile now using event code NETWORK@SAGEEP22 – you must have a completed profile and ticket by March 22nd @ 5pm to receive network matching results.