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Click http://whova.io/portal/sagee_201703. Preliminary Schedule at a Glance as of 2.27.17
Consult this preliminary Conference Schedule to aid in making travel arrangements and hotel reservations (consult the Hotel/Venue web page to learn about making hotel reservations). Below is a quick run down of the events by day: (for specific times, locations and additional information, see the Schedule at a Glance or consult the printed SAGEEP Program available on site at SAGEEP 2017) Sunday March 19, 2017Three Full Day Short Courses:SC-1: Exploring Ground Penetrating Radar – Theory, Best Practices, Insights and Examples SC-2: WellCAD Geophysical Well Log Presentation & Analysis Software SC-3: 3D Hydrogeological Modeling (Cancelled) Monday, March 20
Geoscientists Without Borders® (GWB) Luncheon / Speakers: John Bradford, PhD will speak about his 2-year geophysical investigation conducted in the coastal city of Cotonou in the developing country of Benin, West Africa / Mike Kalinski, PhD, P.E. will present "Use of Surface Wave Testing to Predict Seismic Site Response in Haiti." (Ticketed event.) SAGEEP/NGWA Reception in Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing – A special opportunity for networking among SAGEEP and NGWA attendees with Poster Session 1 viewing in the area adjacent to the Exhibit Hall. Tuesday, March 21
Workshop: Writing for Scientific Journals or Lunch on Your Own – Grab your lunch (or pre-order a boxed lunch for convenience) and join Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics (JEEG) Editor, Dale Rucker, as he shares the ins and outs of publishing a scientific article. Have you ever wondered why it takes so long to get in print? Are you unsure about how to write an article, how it should be organized, or where to start? The workshop will hopefully dispel the mystic behind the publication process and inspire you to start your next great contribution to science. (Pre-ordered boxed lunches may be ordered online or purchased on site.) Wednesday, March 22
Thursday, March 23Full Day Short Courses:SC-4: Land and Marine Electrical Resistivity/IP/SP SC-5: Utilizing NMR for Groundwater Investigations EEGS Foundation Silent AuctionOnce again, the Foundation will hold a Silent Auction at this year’s SAGEEP. Foundation leadership is seeking donors of items that can be sold to the highest bidder at the auction. All proceeds will benefit the EEGS Foundation. Contributions can include gift cards, works of art, professional services, electronics gadgets (e.g. iPhones, iPads, Kindles, GPS units, etc.) or other like items or services. Or, suggest something you have in mind - contact the Silent Auction Committee Chairman Douglas Laymon ([email protected]). Gifts can be made by individuals or organizations (talk to your employer!). The items can be mailed in advance to the EEGS Business Office (c/o Jackie Jacoby) or brought to the SAGEEP registration desk at the beginning of the conference. Details on contributing items and tax benefits can be found via this link: http://www.eegsfoundation.org/#!page4/cfvg. You can also participate in the auction by purchasing one of these items, so come prepared with a check or credit card! Everything will be on display throughout the conference and winners will be announced in the Exhibit Area on Wednesday at the mid-morning break. Once the item is purchased, you can take it with you or have it shipped (postage will be at additional expense to the purchaser). For those who are staying at the host hotel, Denver Marriott City Center: Pick up your complimentary SAGEEP 2017 commemorative beer glass! Just stop by the SAGEEP registration desk and show your hotel card key. |