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Registration InformationOnline, pre-registration (and Early Bird rates) SAGEEP 2015 conference registration has closed. If you wish to register for the conference, please register on site at the SAGEEP Registration area at the Sheraton Austin at the Capitol. To prepare for the on site registration process, please review the Preliminary Schedule at a Glance Austin is a very popular spring destination and flights and rooms fill up quickly. South by Southwest (SXSW ) is a set of film, interactive, and music festivals and conferences which began in 1987 and takes place in Austin every year. This year, it is scheduled for the week prior to SAGEEP (March 13-22, 2015) - so the city and airport will be busy! If you wish to add events or change your registration selections, you may do so at the Registration Desk on site in Austin at the Sheraton Austin at the Capitol beginning Saturday, March 21, 2015. For other questions, please contact the EEGS offices ([email protected]) or call (303) 531-7517. SAGEEP T-shirts are available for ordering on site at the SAGEEP Registration desk in Austin at the Sheraton Austin at the Capitol. Those who have ordered online can pick up their T-shirts at the Publications desk at SAGEEP (conference registration area). If ordering from the Publications/Merchandise form, tax and shipping will be assessed. Special Circumstances Requiring Printed Forms/Student Registration |