SAGEEP 2023/2nd Munitions Response Meeting Luncheons/Conference Events/Activities
Monday, April 3, 2023 EEGS Foundation Fundraiser Luncheon - Speaker: Brad Arcement, P.E.,Chief - USACE Levee Safety Center Time: 12:00 Noon - 1:30 pm Location: River
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has conducted inspections and risk assessments on all levees in the USACE portfolio. This information has been instrumental in identifying failure modes that drive risk to projects, develop plans to mitigate these failure modes, and to prioritize actions to reduce risk. However, in many cases there remains uncertainty for geotechnical failure modes regarding top-stratum clay blanket thickness. These uncertainties were highlighted during the 2011 flood on the Mississippi River where initiation of backward erosion and piping failure modes occurred at numerous locations on the levees in Mississippi and Louisiana in areas that were not anticipated. USACE partnered with USGS to conduct airborne resistivity surveying along the majority of the mainline MS River levees from Cape Girardeau, MO to Baton Rouge, LA to evaluate clay blanket thickness to evaluate uncertainty more efficiently along hundreds of miles of levee. The presentation will use these efforts to highlight the importance of geophysics to assist in evaluating the nation’s levee infrastructure. I will also highlight the obstacles to the use of geophysics that the community needs to remain vigilant and aware of to be able to leverage geophysics more broadly.
Mr. Arcement is a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Mississippi and has over 24 years of experience as a geotechnical engineer, including 13 years with USACE. He currently serves as Levee Safety Branch Chief with USACE Levee Safety Center (LSC). He has extensive experience with the design and construction of levees and floodwalls across the United States. He is a member of the Levee Senior Oversight Group (LSOG), has participated in numerous higher level risk assessments on levees/floodwalls, and has been involved in the re-write of EM 1110-2-1913 (Evaluation, Design and Construction of Levees). Mr. Arcement also currently serves as the risk-informed design coordinator for USACE to assist in the implementation of ECB 2022-7 (Interim Approach for Risk-Informed Designs for Dam and Levee Projects). Prior to his current position, he was a Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) Geotechnical Regional Technical Specialist (RTS) and a lead geotechnical designer for levee and floodwall projects. Before joining USACE, Mr. Arcement worked as a consulting engineer with various geotechnical and materials testing firms performing design and construction monitoring on a wide range of projects in LA and MS. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from Louisiana Tech University and a Master’s Degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.
Tuesday April 4, 2023 NAOC’s EOD Warrior Foundation (EODWF) Fundraiser Luncheon - Speaker: Greg Mittelman, Chairman EODWF Time: 12:00 Noon - 1:30 pm Location: River
“Disarming Challenges and Life as a Tech in Range Clearance"
Greg Mittelman, a former Army EOD Technician, will deliver this presentation on how their lives in EOD, in particular with range clearance work, affects their lives at home and overseas; as well as how that changes as a civilian/contractor doing range clearance work.
“EOD” stands for Explosive Ordnance Disposal”; the disarming, rendering safe, and disposal of explosive hazards. On average there are over 6,000 brave men and women serving as EOD Technicians in the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force, who willingly put themselves in harm's way to protect the lives and property of others. The EODWF serves the EOD community by providing financial assistance and support to Active-Duty, Reserve and National Guard, Retired and Veteran EOD Technicians and their families. The Foundation believes that the EOD Family is for life. EODWF’s ongoing mission is to disarm the challenges of the EOD Family by providing their support with compassion and caring to every individual they serve. Representatives from EODWF will provide a presentation on their history, mission, and specific examples of how they support the EOD community. NAOC supports and endorses the EODWF and its mission to improve the quality of life for the EOD family. Therefore, NAOC will donate all profit from the luncheon. Please plan to support this worthy effort and make plans to attend, network and learn more about the EOD Wounded Warrior Project.

Events and Activities
Monday, April 3, 2023 Student-Industry Networking Event SAGEEP 2023 Student Networking Event: Walking the Devil's Empire - An interactive tour of New Orleans' haunted past Time: 6:45 - 10:00 pm (Immediately following the Ice Breaker in Exhibit Hall). Participants meet at the SAGEEP/MRM registration desk where details and directions will be provided.
Everyone's welcome to join in and attend this fun and exciting student event! You won't want too miss out on this - attendees will stroll through the historic town of New Orleans, learning about its dark past, and ending at a local tavern for those valuable networking opportunities. The tour - Walking the Devil's Empire with Hell Vision - provides an immersive and shocking (while historically accurate), account of New Orleans' past related to true crime, vampires, ghosts, and voodoo! The event begins at the SAGEEP/MRM registration area where participants can gather and head out to the starting point for the walking tour: 801 N. Rampart St. (about a 25-minute walk from the conference hotel for those not using Uber or Lyft, etc.). The tour ends a couple of blocks from numerous pubs, bars and restaurants for that all important "networking" element of the evening!
Tuesday, April 4 Conference Evening Time: 6:30 – 9:30pm Location: Sidecar Patio 1100 Constance St. New Orleans, LA 70130
The Sidecar Patio in the Warehouse District of New Orleans is THE urban setting for our SAGEEP and Munitions Response Meeting networking event. The lush outdoor patio, specialty sub-tropical cocktails and the quintessential sounds of a New Orleans jazz band await conference attendees.
Round out the event with heavy hors d'oeuvres and a complimentary drink and you have the perfect backdrop for catching up with old friends and acquaintances and making new ones!
Sponsors for this Evening are: Exploration Instruments, Inc. Mount Sopris Instruments, Inc.
