EEGS is the premier organization for geophysics applied to engineering and environmental problems. Our multidisciplinary blend of professionals from the private sector, academia, and government offers a unique opportunity to network with researchers, practitioners, and users of near-surface geophysical methods.
We've added many new convenience features, many more online networking opportunities among members and simplified access to the information that's important to you. With social networking support, simple tools for staying in touch, space for sharing documents and photos and resources to support committees, we can use it to help market our association and highlight great work being done.
Attention Members!
EEGS Members: Your Foundation Needs Your Involvement!
The EEGS Foundation exists to support your profession. Your active involvement promotes the use of near surface geophysics and prepares the next generation of talent.
• 2025 scholarship applications are being accepted (our 4th year).
o Have you noticed that it is getting harder to fill staff positions in our industry? o Have you supported the EEGS Scholarship Fund? o Please consider both personal and corporate donations to this cause! o Make your donations here:
• Donate used equipment to support the Foundation’s programs.
o Working instruments in good condition could be useful to others. o “Museum pieces” to grow a collection. o The Foundation sells used equipment, and you receive the tax benefits of your donation to the Foundation (a 501-c3 charitable firm). o Contribute here:
• Consider a generous personal or corporate financial contribution to the Foundation.
o Such contributions have declined in recent years. o Your support removes financial barriers to education. o Donate to the student fund here:
• Purchase Foundation-auctioned items: Stay tuned for details!
• Please encourage students to apply for an EEGS Foundation scholarship?
o Apply here:
• Donate an item for auction at SAGEEP2025. Contact Doug Laymon at [email protected] or call him at 512 994-6994.
Expanded Benefits for EEGS Members
You access these expanded benefits by logging in to the site and entering your username and password (generated as a temporary password until you change it in your profile). Click on Profile and complete your profile information (it is searchable to help people find you)! While you are updating your profile, you can change your password to something you can remember by typing over the data in the password field. While you’re there, you can renew membership/pay your dues, order and pay online for publications and educational materials, order and pay online for JEEG color figures for your manuscript or place advertising orders. Soon, we will be adding online learning modules you will be able to order and pay for online. Click on the tabs Community, Connections, My Features and Inbox to locate:
Online Social Communities • Form connections with your friends and colleagues similar to Facebook™ friends or LinkedIn™ • Create albums and upload photos to your profile to share with other members. • Status messages give you a way to share what you’re working on with other members. • Profiles have a “wall” where connections can leave messages for each other. • Join circles for special interest and discussion groups. You can create photo albums within Circles too!
To get started: 1. Log into your profile (upper right hand area of the home page). 2. Upload a profile picture or edit your existing one. 3. Make connections with friends and colleagues. 4. Create or join a Circle to engage in special interest groups. 5. Send private messages to one or more members at a time. 6. New privacy settings allow you to control who has access to each area of your profile.
Community Forums Your membership now includes access to Community Forums, which allow you to create topics of discussion, industry news, post messages, documents, and the ability to subscribe to topics of interest you: • Post topics to the community forum to discuss with your peers. • Browse previous discussions to catch up on recent happenings. • Ask your peers questions that are most important you. • Subscribe to topics of choice to receive updates by email. • Add topics that interest you the most to your Favorites for easy access later.
To get started: 1. Log into the member section of the website (upper right hand area of the home page). 2. Navigate to the Community Forum in the member section. 3. Post a topic you want to discuss. 4. Respond to previous posts. 5. Share attachments when creating new posts. 6. Subscribe to topics of interest. 7. Favorite topics you want to read later.
Discuss and Network With Our E-list Your membership now includes access to EEGS' E-list (AKA, listserv). This new tool allows you to distribute messages to all of the members subscribing to the list with a simple email to the list address. • Communicate with other members through a single email. • Search the online archive for valuable information and resources. • Ask fellow members questions to receive quick responses. • Manage your E-List "subscription" and preferences through your member profile.
To get started: 1. Log into your profile. 2. In the My Features tab, click E-Lists. 3. Make sure you are subscribed to the list. 4. Make note of the list address. 5. Click Edit to control your preferences. 6. Click the list name to see and search previous posts. 7. To start participating, click Post a New Message or send an email to the list address.
Update Your Contact Information
Attention EEGS Members and those who have registered at the site: If your email address on file is out of date, please take a moment to update your profile. To quickly update your email address, click My Profile, then My Profile/Edit Profile) sign in and enter your information. If you've forgotten your log in information, please follow the online instructions to retrieve. If you have any issues with updating your membership information, please let us know:!