The EEGS Foundation was organized in 2008 to support the growth and awareness of near surface geophysics in North America and throughout the world. Two special funds have been organized for individual members, and one for corporate sponsors to kick off the Foundation. Contributions can also be made for specific applications of projects. The EEGS Foundation has applied to the Internal Revenue Service for 5013C tax-free status, and is awaiting confirmation, for the benefit of our U.S. membership. Contact a Foundation Board member for details (see
Suggested Donation Amounts: $50 for Individual Memberships $2,500 for Corporate Memberships
The EEGS Foundation is pleased to announce they are accepting applications for the 2023-2024 Student Scholarships. The EEGS Foundation plans to award one $1,000 scholarship to an undergraduate student and two $1,500 scholarships to graduate students. In addition to monetary compensation, the awardee(s) selected to receive a scholarship will have their essays and biographies published in FastTIMES, will receive one free student registration to the 2024 SAGEEP conference and be recognized at the conference.
The scholarship(s) are intended to be used during the 2023-2024 academic year, and eligibility for undergraduate or graduate scholarships will be based on the student’s anticipated status during the award period. Details:
EEGS Foundation Announces the 2022 Student Scholarship Winners The 2022 winners of the EEGS Foundation student scholarships are: Abdullah Alhaj and Nicolette V. Filippone for the 2022-2023 academic year. Following is photo and short bio of the winners.
2022 EEGS Foundation Scholarship Winners
Abdullah Alhaj
Bio: A passionate geophysicist/geological engineer who enjoys both office and field work. He was born in Hadhramaut, Yemen where he completed his high school at Mukalla Model Secondary School. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in applied geophysics from King Saud University, Saudi Arabia and master’s degree in geological engineering from University of Missouri Science and Technology (Missouri S&T), USA. Currently, he is enrolled as a PhD candidate in geological engineering at Missouri S&T. He was fortunate to be mentored by highly qualified geoscientists along with research, teaching and volunteering opportunities all of which helped him to expand his geophysical knowledge and experience. Recently, he has been working as a consulting geophysicist in numerous near surface geophysical projects using electrical, seismic, electromagnetic methods for different geological, environmental, and geotechnical applications. In addition, he served as a president for the SEG student chapter at Missouri S&T. He received academic scholarships/assistantships, and awarded the SEG/Chevron-SLS, and university travel grants to participate in geoscience conferences. In his spare time, Abdullah enjoys outdoor activities, traveling, watching movies, learning Spanish, listening to geotechnical engineering/project management podcasts, and most importantly spending more time with family.
Nicolette V. Filippone
 Bio: Nicolette V. Filippone is pursuing her Ph.D. at Rutgers University - Newark in Environmental Sciences. Nicolette’s research focuses on the utilization of preliminary geophysical data to understand the potential for natural attenuation of hydrocarbon contamination at sites. Her primary target research of interest revolves around Biogeobatteries, which use geophysical signatures to detect and investigate remediation of oil remnants from a ruptured pipeline spilling 1.7 million liters of light crude oil in Bemidji, Minnesota, USA. This research could provide environmental professionals with more effective and efficient site remediation processes. As exhibited in her photograph, the contaminated cores shown are used to measure the self-potential method that characterizes redox properties in biogeochemical systems occurring within the subsurface during biodegradation. With great enthusiasm and commitment, she enjoys laboratory research at the Near Surface Geophysics Laboratory in Rutgers University - Newark, seasonal fieldwork at the U.S. Geological Survey Water Science Center of Bemidji, Minnesota, and collaborating with her fellow graduate and undergraduate students regarding near-surface geophysics research and academic career guidance. A greater understanding of these biodegradation processes using geophysics will not only supplement the current knowledge of environmental degradation but support the continuous battle for a cleaner and more sustainable environment.
Message from the President:
As you may know, this has been a year of ups and downs for EEGS, and those of us in the EEGS Foundation have shared the ride with the rest of EEGS membership. For those who thought that EEGS was going to become part of a larger society, and perhaps have waited to contribute because of the proposed merger, please be assured: EEGS and the EEGS Foundation are here to stay for the long haul! Fortunately, the EEGS Foundation Board has maintained a very steady path and we have not waivered from our goals of fund-raising and supporting appropriate projects in this year.
The Foundation raised over $9,000 through its auctions at SAGEEP this year (A big thanks to those companies and individuals who donated items!) and continues to solicit contributions from outside sources. We are slowly building our financial base to the point where we can have a significant impact in helping EEGS with the programs that are of interest to you, the members. The Foundation sponsored the Student Event at SAGEEP 2014 in Boston. This event is organized each year to provide a venue where students interested in near-surface geophysics can mingle with each other and representatives from industry. It’s a great social and networking opportunity for them and their possible employers. Plans are underway to support a similar event at SAGEEP 2015 in Austin, Texas.
We have a new web site ( where anyone can review who we are (that’s you and us), what we’re doing and what we envision accomplishing in the future. It also provides us a portal for merchandise and credit card donations. Our goal can be briefly summarized as promoting near surface geophysics, and EEGS remains the only society that is exclusively dedicated to serving the near surface community.
There is a part of you in this Foundation and it makes a difference whether you continue to fund it or not. We need your contribution in order to do the things we are tasked with doing and, as importantly, a donation from you keeps you connected with those efforts. Your suggestions for designation of Foundation funds or for potential donors are always welcomed and appreciated.
I congratulate all who have nurtured us to this point and I hope that you’ll add a donation to the EEGS Foundation with your annual membership renewal in EEGS this year.
Sincerely, Dennis Mills President EEGS Foundation