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SAGEEP 2023/2nd Munitions Response Meeting Registration Information

Pre-registration Has Closed.

On site Registration will open Sunday, April 2 in Churchill Foyer from 7:00 to 9:00 AM and 1:00 - 5:00 PM CT.  

Registration Hours:

Monday, April 3, 2023 (Churchill Foyer)
7:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Tuesday, April 4, 2023 (Churchill Foyer)
7:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Wednesday, April 5, 2023 (Churchill Foyer)
7:30 AM – 3:30 PM

Thursday, April 6, 2023 (Outside Chart A-C)
7:00 AM – 9:30 AM


The SAGEEP/MRM schedule does depart from a typical SAGEEP:  The Ice Breaker will be held Monday, April 3; however, Short Courses and Workshops are being held on Sunday, April 2 and Thursday, April 6.  Please make your travel plans accordingly.

Special registration instructions:
Short Course or Workshop Instructors who will conduct their courses/workshops but will not attend the conferences or be required to pay the conference fees should use the special printed Instructor registration form

ALL EXHIBITORS MUST REGISTER THROUGH EEGS' EXHIBITS MANAGER. If you are an Exhibitor or Exhibitor Personnel, EEGS' Exhibits Manager will contact you directly regarding conference registration.  Special Exhibitor Registration form.

Keynote and Luncheon Speakers are asked to use the special Speaker Registration Form to register.  Prior to your presentation, please stop by the SAGEEP/MRM Registration Booth to pick up your badge and conference materials.

Workshop (W1) attendees who would like to apply for limited travel or workshop funding, click the special Support Form.  Upon notification of funding, you will be offered a choice to register using the online registration system and paying by credit card, or you can choose to register using this downloadable, printable W-1 Workshop registration form.       

Checks from Canadian bank accounts must be drawn on banks with US affiliations (example: checks from Canadian Credit Suisse banks are payable through Credit Suisse New York, USA). If you are unsure, please contact your bank. 

For SAGEEP/MRM 2023, we are using a mobile app, an online platform called Whova for our event.  To make sure you don’t miss any emails or communications via the app, we recommend whitelisting the following domains:,, and

Please Note:  All attendees are bound by the EEGS Anti-harassment Policy.  Click here for the Anti-harassment Policy for SAGEEP Meetings and Activities. 

Conference Rates:

Basic Conference Rates are:
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April 3

SAGEEP and the Munitions Response Meeting Conference Rates
Conference rate includes: access to the SAGEEP/MRM mobile application, ice breaker,
keynote address, oral and poster presentations, exhibits, conference program, access to the Whova onsite mobile app and the SAGEEP 2023 proceedings.

 Member: $935
Non-Member: $1145

Student SAGEEP and Munitions Response Meeting Conference Rates 
Includes same as Conference Rate above (must be able to demonstrate that you are currently
enrolled in an accredited science or engineering
under-graduate or graduate program or have
graduated in the past year).

 Member: $300
Non-Member: $375

Monday Only April 3, 2023
Monday Only conference includes: access to the SAGEEP/MRM mobile application, ice breaker, keynote address, oral and poster presentations, exhibits, and conference program.

Member: $685
Non-Member: $685
Students: $135

Tuesday Only April 4, 2023
Tuesday Only conference includes: access to the SAGEEP/MRM mobile application, oral and poster presentations, exhibits, and conference program.

 Member: $685
Non-Member: $685
Students: $135

Wednesday Only April 5, 2023
Wednesday Only conference includes: access to the SAGEEP/MRM mobile application, oral and poster presentations, EEGS' Annual Meeting, exhibits, and conference program.

 Member: $685
Non-Member: $685
Students: $135

Exhibitor Rates
Exhibiting companies receive one (1) full conference registration and one (1) complimentary exhibit personnel registrations for every 10x10 booth space.

Additional exhibit personnel badge may be purchased for $70.00.  All fees include 2023 proceedings, printed program and admission to food and beverage events in the exhibit hall.









































Short Courses and Workshop Rates:

Short Course and Workshop Rates are:
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Opens April 2

Short Course - Full Day
Short Courses include continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon break and full day course.

 Member: $548
Non-Member: $658

Student Short Course - Full Day
Short Courses include continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon break and full day course.

 Member: $195
Non-Member: $250

Workshop - Full Day
Workshops include continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon break and full day course. 

 Member: $275
Non-Member: $385

Student Workshop - Full Day
Student Workshops include continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon break and full day course.

 Member: $145
Non-Member: $195