Technical Co-Chairs Andrew Parsekian and Oliver Kuras remind SAGEEP Presenters that if you are from a country that requires a visa to enter the U.S., please ensure that you start the process of obtaining any required travel documents sufficiently early so that you will be able to attend the meeting. You may also contact the EEGS business office ([email protected]) for assistance with Letters of Invitation.
Abstract Submission Site is closed.
Quick Links:
Online Submission Site SAGEEP 2018 Terms of Submission  Printable Abstract Submission Fee Payment Form Formatting Your Extended Abstract (Word document) Formatting Your Extended Abstract
Poster Presentations at SAGEEP 2018:
Posters form a significant and important part of the Technical Program for SAGEEP 2018, and we are excited to provide a poster presentation format designed to give posters maximum visibility and impact! This year, we are offering poster viewing time as follows: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday just outside the Technical Session rooms near the SAGEEP registration area. We are also offering an opportunity for Poster presenters to participate in a session named Poster Speed Talks on Monday, March 26th from 1:30 to 2:30 pm in Capitol II where authors will provide a short overview of their posters. Please note that all presentations will be included in the SAGEEP Best Paper Evaluation process.
Time Logistics Posters will be displayed during the hours listed in the program (notification of your day(s) has been sent). Posters should be put up by 8:00 am on the morning on the day of the poster session, and left up through the end time. On Wednesday, the Exhibit Hall closes at 4:00 p.m. and they begin dismantling the booths. Please be sure to remove your poster from the boards by 4:00 if you wish to retrieve it. All posters should be removed by the appointed time or they will be collected and recycled by the staff.
Set-Up Logistics Those presenting posters should note their poster order, from a list in the poster area. The poster boards are 4 feet high and 8 feet long (actual space for posters). Presenters can either use Velcro tape or thumb tacks to affix posters to the board. Please ensure your poster is on display for the entire day, and that you are available at your poster during the coffee breaks and times specified for poster viewing on the Schedule at a Glance. In addition, a form will be provided so that those wishing an opportunity to contact you can provide their name, contact information and time of desired meeting or will list specific times when you will be available at your poster during other times of the day. You should attempt to be available at your poster for at least one (1) hour, other than at coffee breaks. These will be the times that conference attendees can interact with you, and when the SAGEEP Best Paper judges will be visiting posters.
Poster Format Logistics The maximum poster dimension that can be accommodated is 4 feet high (48 inches, 120 cm) by 8 feet wide (96 inches, 242 cm), but smaller posters are acceptable as long as they are legible from a distance. All contextual formatting of the scientific content within the poster is flexible, with the exception that we would like you to put your Abstract Number in the upper left portion of your poster. Each board will have a 6 foot table set under it to accommodate space for the “Availability” sheets and any other documentation you would like to make available to conference attendees.
Session Topics:
In addition to the Special Sessions topics, be sure to review the list of topics/subtopics below before submitting your abstract. You will be asked to select a topic in which your presentation would best fit. You will have the option to choose "other" if your abstract does not fit into one listed. The Technical Program Committee reminds you that in addition to the subtopics listed below, several special sessions are actively being organized and we expect to announce more soon. Recently added - Special Session: Geophysics for Urban Underground Space Development.
If you are from a country that requires a visa to enter the U.S., please ensure that you start the process of obtaining any required travel documents sufficiently early so that you will be able to attend the meeting. You may also contact the EEGS business office ([email protected]) for assistance with Letters of Invitation.
Technical Co-Chairs
Andrew D. Parsekian, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Geology & Geophysics University of Wyoming [email protected] |
Oliver Kuras, Ph.D. Senior Research Geophysicist Geophysical Tomography British Geological Survey [email protected] |
Technical Committee |
Chi Zhang, Ph.D. University of Kansas [email protected] Ed Woolery, Ph.D. University of Kentucky [email protected] Katherine Grote, Ph.D. Missouri University of Science and Technology [email protected]