In This Issue...
- AGI Conducts Survey on Use of Geologic Map Data
- Digital Only JEEG Coming Soon
- Copy Deadline Extended for FastTIMES, Vol. 23.2 (June)
Advertising in FastTIMES
- Environmental Geophysics Column in FastTIMES
- Use EEGS Group Facebook and LinkedIn to Stay Connected
- What's the Big Deal with EEGS Membership?
Have news or an event you'd like to submit to the EEGS Newsletter or the News/Recent Events web page? Click here!
AGI Conducts Survey on the Use of Geologic Map Data
The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is conducting a survey to determine the significance of geologic map data in the economy. For the purpose of this study, geologic map data includes not only traditional bedrock geologic maps, but also maps of any data of a generally immutable property of a location, such as gravity, magnetics, hazards/flood risk, etc. This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The results of this survey will be compiled into a freely-available public report, with a planned availability by mid-2018. This survey will close at 11:59pm EDT on May 31, 2018.
Take this survey now at
Digital, Online Only JEEG in 2019
In December of 2017, the EEGS Board of Directors voted to move to offer a digital Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics (JEEG) exclusively.
Beginning with the March, 2019 issue, members and subscribers will access the Journal online only.
JEEG Editor Dale Rucker said this move to the digital production of the JEEG will have a minimal effect on the publication's content. JEEG's impact factor, a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles, has risen to 1.36 from .73 in 2016.
Copy Deadline Extended for FastTIMES Special Issue on Mine-Site Geophysics
The proposed May issue of FastTIMES, Vol 23, 2 Special Issue on Mine-Site Geophysics, is now the June issue of FastTIMES and has an extended copy deadline of June 15 for articles, news and advertising.
The June issue features new Regular Columns on Agricultural Geophysics, UXO, Student Chapters and Archaeology as well as the regular Drone, Groundwater, Industry News and EEGS Foundation news columns.
The June Issue is being publicised with many mining sector Professional Societies (e.g. PDAC, CIM, AIME-SME, IMWA, ASMR, AusIMM etc) and we plan for it to have a wide notification and distribution among mining sector professionals. As well there is the regular notification going out to other key groundwater, geotechnical and environmental sector Societies and through these Societies, their members.
If you have news, a story to tell and would like it to reach a wider geoscience audience, please send all copy to FastTIMES Editor, Geoff Pettifer (contact: [email protected]; Tel: +1-360-989-6771).
For specific agricultural and drone geophysics and Student chapter items please send them to :-Angelos Lampousis for Agriculture Geophysics News (contact: [email protected]); Ron Bell for geoDRONE - drone news (contact: [email protected]); Nick Duda - Student Chapter News (contact: [email protected]).
Our Associate Editors are also available to discuss and accept FastTIMES content (see contacts for our Associate Editors at the bottom of the down load page: (Source of image:
Advertising in FastTIMES - Reach a Wider and Growing Geoscience and Engineering Audience
If as a consultant, contractor, equipment manufacturer / seller / renter, software developer / seller, or researcher / educator you would like to advertise your services to a wide audience, then advertising in FastTIMES is an attractive and affordable option. FastTIMES though its Special Issues and Regular Columns is reaching out to provide current awareness and relevance of near-surface geophysical techniques and applications to diverse geoscience and engineering sectors, through many of their Professional Societies (e.g. groundwater, geotechnical, infrastructure, environmental, UXO, archaeology / forensic sectors etc). Therefore advertising in FastTIMES is providing increase value as we grow our circulation and reach.
For example, if you have a particular interest in securing business and clients in the Mining sector (as well as other sectors), why not start in the June 2018 Special Issue on Mine Site Geophysics - advertising copy deadline is June 15th. FastTIMES 2018 Publishing Schedule for Special Issues and General Article Contributions for the remainder of 2018 are as follows:
- August - Vol 23, 3 - Infrastructure: Dams and Levees. Deadlines: Articles August 17th; Advertising August 24th.
- October - Vol 23, 4 - Environment - Oil and Gas Industry (upstream and downstream). Deadlines: Articles October 19th; Advertising October 26th.
- December - Vol 23, 5 - UXO. Deadlines: Articles November 23rd; Advertising November 28th.
Go to for advertising rates and information and to Pages 10 and 111 of the freely downloadable Vol 23, 1 SAGEEP 2018 Conference FastTIMES to learn more (download it from ).
Advertising with something as simple and effective as a business card advertisement in our Professional Directory is very affordable (new business card size reduced advertising rates are: $55 / issue for a single issue or $50/issue for the remaining issues for 2018). Advertisements for ¼, 1/3, ½ or full pages are also at competitive rates and discounts apply for regular advertising.
If you have a particular interest in securing business and clients in the Mining sector, why not start in the June 2018 Special Issue on Mine Site Geophysics - advertising copy deadline is June 15th. Go to for advertising rates and information and to Pages 10 and 111 of the freely downloadable Vol 23, 1 SAGEEP 2018 Conference FastTIMES to learn more (download it from
Please contact Jackie Jacoby with your advertising enquiries and requirements (contact: [email protected]).
Environmental Geophysics Column in FastTIMES - Are you an Environmental Geophysics Champion? We Need Your Energy and Passion!
Are you passionate about the environment and environmental geophysics?
FastTIMES is seeking to regularly engage with and provide ongoing relevance to the end-users of geophysics in the environmental sector, and to do that with a Regular Environmental Geophysics Column in FastTIMES which will also include occasional articles on Environmental Geophysics.
We also plan to have Special Issues on particular environmental sustainability issues critical to the Americas and globally, such as our planned October 2018, FastTIMES Special Issue on environmental issues for the oil and gas sector (upstream and downstream).
If you have the:
- interest, time and energy
- are passionate about environmental geophysics, and championing the benefits of use of environmental geophysics, in the role of the Regular Columnist on Environmental Geophysics in FastTIMES, and
- can see the benefit of expanding your networks and profile in the environmental sector through undertaking that role,
- are interested in sharing that role with someone, or
- you have an interest in just being a Guest Editor for a Special Issue of FastTIMES on a key environmental topic; for example, the abovementioned October 2018 Special Issue
Then please contact FastTIMES Editor, Geoff Pettifer (contact: [email protected]; Tel: +1-360-989-6771).
(Source of images:
Get Connected - Get Involved
You know the power of social media - so does EEGS! We've created a Facebook Group to share developments - with members, with the Society and with the geosciences community. Join or sign in to LinkedIn to connect - and share with colleagues and members!
What's the Big Deal with EEGS Membership?
Membership in the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS) is a deal - a Big Deal! The benefits of being a member of EEGS extend well beyond the quantifiable benefits described below. Being a member makes you part of one of the premier near-surface geophysical groups in the world. EEGS, a predominently volunteer-run organization, provides a unique opportunity to get involved with the near-surface geophysical community in a hands-on way - more so than with other professional societies. That's why membership in EEGS is a big deal - we need your participation - your membership is what makes EEGS run! Join now and be part of a growing and exciting community.
To join EEGS online, go to:
Individual Membership Includes:
- Access to the Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (JEEG)
- Proceedings archives of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP),
- EEGS newsletter FastTIMES
- Complimentary access to SEG publications (Geophysics and the Leading Edge)
- Discounted registration fees for SAGEEP
- Voting rights in EEGS elections for EEGS Boards of Directors
Lifetime Member Support EEGS, receive benefits on an ongoing basis and never renew again! Members of this category enjoy all the benefits of Individual membership.
Introductory Membership If you have never been a member of EEGS, Welcome! EEGS offers a reduced rate (Electronic JEEG Option) for new members to enjoy all the benefits of Individual membership (with the exception of voting privileges) for your first year (membership is calendar based, valid from January 1 through December 31).
Student Membership Students are the future of our organization and we offer you a complimentary membership to EEGS which is subsidized by the generous help of our Corporate Sponsors and student membership donors. Student members enjoy all the benefits of Individual membership (with the exception of voting privileges). Student membership is available for all students in an accredited university up to one year post-graduation. Students in year two beyond graduation are offered a special rate for one (1) year.
Corporate Membership Corporate members enjoy all the benefits of Individual membership and:
- a brief profile and linked corporate logo on the Corporate Members page of the EEGS website
- a company profile in FastTIMES
- a 20% discount on JEEG article color figure charges and
- a 10% discount on advertising in JEEG and FastTIMES.
- recognition at SAGEEP for Corporate Members' support. Additional benefits are listed for each corporate level at of membership