In response to reader feedback, EEGS is unveiling its latest edition of FastTIMES (FT) in an easy to view and download format. As an added convenience, future FastTIMES will be featured on EEGS' web site at Publications/FastTIMES/Latest Issue. Our FT Editor-In-Chief, Mehrez Elwaseif, has been diligently working to make the transition to the new format. We hope you enjoy this issue and feel free to provide Mehrez with suggestions and future topics.
FastTIMES Vol 27, 1 (November, 2024) UXO Geophysics Editor-In-Chief: Mehrez Elwaseif, PhD, PGp ([email protected]) Guest Editors: Steve Saville and Jeff Leberfinger
This edition showcases the pivotal field of unexploded ordnance (UXO) geophysics and features four remarkable articles from esteemed experts in the UXO community. In this issue, we present some cutting-edge research and developments that underscore the immense value of UXO geophysics. These articles not only highlight technological advancements in detecting and classifying UXO in land and marine environments, but also emphasize the profound importance of the efforts to help creating safer environments for countless individuals in over 60 countries affected by explosive remnants of war (ERW).
This issue builds on our commitment to providing high-quality FastTIMES content that highlights the significant advancements across our environmental and engineering geophysics practice.
I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our guest editors, Steve Saville and Jeff Leberfinger, whose expertise and dedication have been instrumental in bringing together the valuable contributions in this issue. Jeff’s contributions as the Associate Editor for the UXO Community Geophysics column added a well-rounded view of the news and advancements shaping the UXO community.
Mehrez Elwaseif Editor-In-Chief
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FastTIMES Vol 25, 4 Mine Site Geophysics Editor: Mel Best; Advertising: David Valintine

EEGS' technical magazine, FastTIMES, has published this Special Issue, which provides case examples of using geophysics for the purposes of sustainable mining by addressing some of these mine site concerns.
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Click Here (41.7 MB) for your low-resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button to view, print or save.
Drone Geophysics and Remote Sensing (25.3) Editor: Ron Bell; Advertising: David Valintine

EEGS' technical magazine, FastTIMES, has published a landmark Special Issue for Vol. 25.3 showcasing both the possibilities for using drones equipped with geophysical sensors and summarizing the status of use of satellite remove sending in the service of geoscience.
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Click Here (48.1 MB) for your low-resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button to view, print or save.
Contaminant Geophysics (25.2)
Editor: Dale Werkema – [email protected]; Advertising: David Valintine - [email protected]
In the foreword from Vol 25, 2, Editor Dale Werkema writes “Our planet and our physical, biological, and societal dynamics are undergoing a significant recalibration to hopefully a more peaceful, healthy, equitable, just, and sustainable future. Just as weather patterns and storms are the result of atmospheric energy equilibration and ocean currents and waves are in a constant state of seeking equilibrium, with a concerted effort from our scientific community and other like-minded individuals, I hope these sectors of our life and this planet will move to a more peaceful state of justice and sustainability for ours and future generations. This process is, in fact, the underlying goal of contaminant studies culminating in complete remediation and protection of our natural resources for our utility and life sustaining properties. As much of contaminant remediation is to protect our planet’s unique life supporting water resources, this Special Issue of FastTIMES includes a sampling of our science’s contribution to this process.“ Click the links below for the high and low resolution PDF files for this latest issue of FastTIMES.
Click Here (67.9 MB) for your high-resolution copy in PDF format. It is best to download the document and view it outside of a web browser with Adobe Acrobat to get the full color and the interactivity of the document. Also, if your web browser is Firefox, please clear private data before downloading. Note: with the many links in the document, the external hyperlinks may be slow to load and if Adobe Acrobat hangs, then re-boot your computer and that should fix the problem.
Click Here (32.9 MB) for your low-resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button to view, print or save.
SAGEEP 2020/1st Munitions Response Meeting Pre-Conference FASTTIMES (25.1)

The SAGEEP 2020/1st Munitions Response Meeting Early Bird Registration Deadline is Feb. 24, 2020 and we have just what you need to review the symposium program, the sessions planned, Short Courses and all the other, not-to-be missed networking and special events - and SAVE! So, download the issue (low or high resolution PDF file links below), but, be sure to review and register online at by Feb. 24!
This issue is a great resource for those who still need to submit their requests for conference attendance – or if you just want to peruse the roster of Short Courses to see whether one will help you with your professional development goals. SAGEEP and the Munitions Response Meeting Planners have combined fun and a rare learning opportunity in the Field Trip option. You must review this itinerary! Click here to access the SAGEEP 2020/1st Munitions Response Meeting web site and see where this trip will take you!
Of course, the other important information typically found in FastTIMES is featured: The universal Calendar, the technical articles, specialized columns providing news and cutting-edge developments from our Associate Editors/contributing columnists – it’s all there, too! To view and download the high and/or low PDF files, see below.
Make plans to join colleagues (and meet new ones) at SAGEEP 2020 and the 1st Munitions Response Meeting, March 29-April 2 in Denver, Colorado USA, rescheduled to March 14-18, 2021!
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Click Here (13.2 MB) for your low-resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button to view, print or save.
FastTIMES Vol. 25.5 Themes and Deadlines 2019:
FastTIMES Volume 24, Number 5, 2019 (Click to Enlarge)  Geophysics for Geological Mapping
Contact: Technical Content: Geoff Pettifer – [email protected]; +1-360-989-6771 Advertising: David Valintine: [email protected]
FastTIMES Volume 24, 5 Special Issue on Geophysics for Geological Mapping (Co-Edited by Bruce Smith) is available for download as a single document. Shortly we will be moving to segmenting the document to enable better tracking of reader’s interest and to provide improved exposure and value to advertisers. We will update you when that new publishing mode is ready for you to access and to trial.
Coming to the theme of Geophysics for Geological Mapping, with a Foreword from AASG President Richard Ortt, the perspective on this important use of near-surface geophysics for geological and resource mapping, is given contributions from US Geological Survey, Geological Surveys of Canada, Ireland, Iowa and Alaska, Geoscience Australia and from a North Dakota State Water Commission project. Various mapping approaches are also discussed in the Government Geophysics, Hydrogeophysics and Environmental Geophysics, Agricultural Geophysics, Infrastructure and Geotechnical Geophysics, and the Archaeological and Forensic Geophysics regular columns. Industry News, the geoDRONE Report, UXO Community News and updated news on SAGEEP 2020 are also featured.
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Click Here (36.7 MB) for your low resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save.
Volume 24, Number 4, 2019  Near-Surface Geophysics Software
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Click Here (30.6 MB) for your low resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save.
FastTIMES Volume 24, Number 3, 2019 US Infrastructure Geophysics

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Click Here (29.7 MB) for your low resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save.
FastTIMES Volume 24, Number 2, 2019 (July)

Managed and Natural Aquifer Recharge Geophysics
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Click Here (29.7 MB) for your low resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save.
FastTIMES Volume 24, Number 1, 2019
2019 FastTIMES Special Issue: Post SAGEEP 2019
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Click Here (21.3 MB) for your low resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save.
FastTIMES Volume 23, Number 5, 2018
2018 FastTIMES Special Issue: UXO Geophysics
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Click Here (53 MB) for your low resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save.
FastTIMES Vol 23, 4 Special lssue: Geophysics for Oil and Gas Sector Impacts

FastTIMES Vol 23, 4 Special lssue: Geophysics for Oil and Gas Sector Impacts is available for download. Features in addition to the Regular Columns include:
- A Foreword from American Geoscience Institute - Edith Alison and Ben Mandler
- 6 technical articles on Geophysics for oil and gas sector impacts
- 5th International IP Workshop report and Abstracts
- Geological Society NSGG (UK) Archaeological Geophysics Environmental & Criminal Forensics Workshop Program
Click Here (58 MB) for your high resolution copy in PDF format. It is best to download the document and view it outside of a web browser with Adobe Acrobat to get the full color and the interactivity of the document. Also, if your web browser is Firefox, please clear private data before downloading. Note: with the many links in the document, the external hyperlinks may be slow to load and if Adobe Acrobat hangs, then re-boot your computer and that should fix the problem.
Click Here (28.8 MB) for your low resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save.
 FastTIMES Volume 23, Number 3, 2018
2018 FastTIMES Special Issue: Infrastructure: Dams and Levees
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Click Here (32.4 MB) for your low resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save.
Continuing a series of publications on issues of sustainability for US/Canada and globally, the August issue of EEGS Technical Magazine FastTIMES, Vol 23, 3 is a Special Issue on Infrastructure: Dams and Levees, featuring five case histories illustrating the application and benefits of using geophysics to assist in dam and levee safety, condition assessment and geotechnical investigations.
The Special Issue is intended to raise awareness of geophysical methods and benefits and limitations, in the dams and levees professional community. Vol 23, 3 and all previous Special Issues (in high and low resolution interactive pdf format) are freely available for download by near-surface geophysics practitioners and end-users of geophysics (engineers, geologists and managers), in both high and low resolution versions, from
SAGEEP 2019 – Call for Abstracts Additional features in FastTIMES, Vol 23, 3 are firstly, the Call for Abstracts for SAGEEP 2019, the EEGS Annual Conference, to be held in Portland Oregon. Deadline for Abstracts is December 2, 2018. SAGEEP 2019 will be delivered with the assistance of EAGE and feature a three-parallel conference format including the traditional SAGEEP and parallel conferences on Geohazards and also Shallow Marine and Coastal Geophysics.
5th International Workshop on Induced Polarization Secondly, there are the regular columns including a new regular column combining Hydrogeophysics and Environmental Geophysics News, which features, as part of EEGS sponsorship in kind of the 5th International Workshop on Induced Polarization, to be held at Rutgers University early October, the Full Workshop Program. In October FastTIMES we feature the Workshop full abstracts.
Infrastructure: Dams and Levees Geophysics In the Infrastructure and Geotechnical Geophysics News Column, there is a general discussion on Dams and Levees and it points to resources for guidance in approaching dam and levee safety. There are three geophysical case history articles on application of geophysics to dams and two on levees in this Special Issue and we hope many more in the coming issues of the Infrastructure and Geotechnical Geophysics News Column. We appreciate the support of AEG, USSD, IAEG and Geological Society (UK) Near-Surface Geophysics Group who advertise their activities in the Special Issue and are assisting in publicizing this Special Issue to geologists and engineers. FastTIMES Submissions Learn more about upcoming issues of FastTIMES in 2018 at For upcoming FastTIMES editions if you have a near surface geophysics related news item, a story to tell or a case example and would like your article or news item to reach a wider audience than NSG geophysicist practitioners, please contact FastTIMES Editor, Geoff Pettifer ([email protected]).
FastTIMES Volume 23, Number 1, 2018 - Conference Edition of the SAGEEP 2018 FastTIMES
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Click Here (67.7 MB) for your low resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save.
This special edition has a detailed description of: the SAGEEP 2018 technical program and total experience, for convenient future reference and access, with complete short Abstracts, Extended Abstracts, the short courses, the field trips, the keynote address, the Geoscientists Without Borders® luncheon, the Special Event EEGS luncheon, the exhibitor and sponsor lists, the important EEGS Foundation on line auction fund raising event (, the great social program planned, plus details of the Conference venue and what to do in Nashville and what Nashville has to offer. Photos from the Conference events are included also.
FastTIMES Volume 23, Number 2, 2018 - Special Issue Mine Site and Mining Geophysics
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Click Here (38.1.7 MB) for your low resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save.
FastTIMES Volume 22, Number 4, 2017
Click Here (198.8 MB) for your high resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save. You need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to open these files. Follow FastTIMES on Twitter @EEGS_FT.
Click Here (82.7 MB) for your low resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save.
The EEGS staff is pleased to publish the latest issue of FastTIMES, (ISSN 1943-6505), news for the near-surface geophysical sciences. Past issues are also available online.

FastTIMES Volume 22, Number 3, 2017
Click Here (267 MB) for your high resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save. You need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to open these files. Follow FastTIMES on Twitter @EEGS_FT.
Click Here (126 MB) for your low resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save.
The EEGS staff is pleased to publish the latest issue of FastTIMES, (ISSN 1943-6505), news for the near-surface geophysical sciences. Past issues are also available online.

FastTIMES Volume 22, Number 2, 2017
Click Here (63 MB) for your high resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save. You need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to open these files. Follow FastTIMES on Twitter @EEGS_FT.
Click Here (35 MB) for your low resolution copy in PDF format. All files open in a new window. For best results, download the document: In the upper, right-hand corner of the page, click the Download button. Click the downloaded file to view, print or save.
The EEGS staff is pleased to publish the latest issue of FastTIMES, (ISSN 1943-6505), news for the near-surface geophysical sciences. Past issues are also available online.
FastTIMES Editorial Team - Contacts
The editorial team FastTIMES, EEGS's online (and freely downloadable) magazine for near-surface geophysics, welcome comments and suggestions and technical article contributions and is looking for new members, to join our Editorial team particularly as Guest Editors or Regular Columnists.
Note: FastTIMES continues to look for Guest Editors who are interested in organizing a FastTIMES issue around a special topic within the Guest Editor's area of expertise and also for Regular Columnists. If you would like to serve as a FastTIMES Guest Editor or help start or organize a Regular Column around a particular application areas or sector of near-surface geophysics or require further information. please direct your communications and contributions to either the Editor-in-Chief: Geoff Pettifer ([email protected]); Cell: +1-360-989-6771) or a member of the editorial team:
• Associate Editors Associate Editors Katherine Grote ([email protected]), Nedra Bonal ([email protected]), Moe Momayez ([email protected]), Daniel Bigman ([email protected]) or Nigel Cassidy ([email protected]); John Jackson ([email protected]); Angelos Lampousis ([email protected]); Jeffrey Leberfinger ([email protected]); Koya Suto ([email protected]); Ron Bell ([email protected]); or
• Regular Columnists Ron Bell ([email protected]) for Drone Geophysics; Angelos Lampousis ([email protected]) for Agricultural Geophysics; Jeff Leberfinger ([email protected]) for UXO News; Nick Duda ([email protected]) for Student Chapter News and Geoff Pettifer ([email protected]) for Groundwater News and Industry News.
Reduced Advertising Costs for FastTIMES
To encourage greater advertising of large and small consulting, contracting and equipment/software companies as well as academics to our expanding geoscience community of readers, attracted by the growing broader relevance and appeal of FastTIMES to the wider geoscience community, the Professional Directory (Business Card Advertisement size). Advertising Rates have been reduced to $55 for a single issue or $50 / issue for all remaining 2019 FastTIMES issues. These discount rates for Business Cards are across the board for all membership / sponsor categories. Discounts for academic institution advertising have been added to already existing Corporate Member and regular advertiser discounts for larger advertisements. For further details on the new advertising rates and how to take advantage of these, please check Advertising inquiries should be sent to Jackie Jacoby ([email protected]).
FastTIMES Distribution List
To take full advantage of the electronic format, utilize the hyperlinks within the document that link the table of contents with articles, the advertisers with their ads, the authors and their email addresses, and the advertisers and articles with the appropriate external websites.
We encourage expanding FastTIMES distribution to the widest possible audience. If you know of someone or a geoscience society or organisation that might enjoy or benefit from regularly reading FastTIMES but may not be on the distribution list, feel free to email the web link to them and advise Jackie Jacoby ([email protected]) to add them to the mailing list.